This training took place at the NASC Headquarters on Tuesday, the 7th of November 2023. This was the first batch of the training which had in attendance production mangers of 25 Seed Companies.

The one-day event included a hands-on training on the use of the Seed Tracker by the representatives of the Seed Companies. The training focused on uploading of production plan to the Seed Tracker platform.

The training was a success.


SEEDCODEX, an electronic verification and authentication system introduced by NASC to enhance efficiency of the seed certification process has recently been implemented. This new will help to meet and exceed the needs of farmers and potential investors in the seed industry.

Selected NASC staff are currently being trained on the administration and control of the SEEDCODEX at the observatory located at NASC Headquarters, Sheda, FCT.

Meeting of partners on the project “Increasing production and dissemination of quality Early Generation Seeds (EGS) to improve income and food security of farmers in Nigeria”

The National Agricultural Seeds Council (NASC) is leading a consortium of 3 partners (NASC, Value Seeds, and Premier Seeds Limited) on a project aimed at ensuring production of quality EGS.

As part of the project, NASC is working with relevant partners, including National Research Institutes (NARIs) with mandates for Maize, Rice, and Soybean to enhance the quality of Early Generation Seeds (EGS) through the development of crop descriptors of Maize, Rice, and Soybean.

Consequently, characterization plots of these crops have been established at the premises of NASC for DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) data collection and evaluation.

As a result of this, a planning and review meeting of consortium members, as well as relevant partners and stakeholders was convened to review the progress made, on Thursday August 13, 2020 at NASC Headquarters, Sheda, FCT.


A National Seed Retreat was held on the 27th February, 2020 at the Institute of Agricultural Research, ABU, Zaria. The retreat was convened as a forum for strategic discourse to understand the reflections of stakeholders in the seed industry; to plan, evaluate, as well as address the prospects and challenges of the seed industry in Nigeria.

The retreat was declared open by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Alhaji Sabo Nanono, who delivered the key note address.  Goodwill messages were presented by The Senate Chairman on Agriculture; The Honourable Chairman, House Committee on Agricultural Production and Services; The House Committee Chairman, House Committee on Agricultural Colleges and Institution; Seed Entrepreneurs Association of Nigeria (SEEDAN) and All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN).

Over 200 participants drawn from the National Assembly, Seed Companies, Regulatory Agencies, National Agricultural Research Institutes, CGIAR organizations, International NGOs, Advocacy Groups, Farmers, Press and Financial Institutions, attended the retreat.

The objectives of the workshop amongst others were to: Understand the reflections of stakeholders on the industry; Examine the challenges facing the seed industry; Chart a way forward for industry growth and; Develop a roadmap for the seed industry development.

The Hon. Minister also paid a visit to some Seed Companies such as Premier Seeds and Value Seeds.